Recalibrate & Resurface
Moving through dissonance and arriving at coherence & vitality.
This 8 week programme is for you if
you continually experience the same challenges. Whether that's with relationships, work-life, emotional reactions or judgements of others.
You know what you want but can't seem to get it because procrastination is running the show.
You feel perpetually exhausted, checked-out, and like a shadow of your former self.
We will meet once a week for our 90 minute coaching call, you will have access to The Wisdom of your Nervous System, and text access to me for when you need in the moment support.*
This programme is limited, I have only three of these live at anyone time. It is essential you can commit to all of the above. This programme is designed for efficient and potent healing and requires complete dedication from you.
Please email me for details of price and the next available place. Waitlist available.